having sex after divorce

Having Sex after Divorce: Getting Naked Can be Really Scary!

Having sex after divorce is a scary thought for a lot of people. Think about it. You have slept in the same bed with the same man for what? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? Now you are separated or divorced. Inevitably, you are going to start dating, and you are going to meet someone … Read more

Just released today: Divorced Girl Smiling, the Novel

I am proud to announce the release of my new divorce novel, DIVORCED GIRL SMILING, now available in paperback and Kindle on amazon.com! Much like this blog, DIVORCED GIRL SMILING is funny, entertaining, heartfelt and inspirational. It’s a root for the divorced girl while getting lots of laughs kind of book (and don’t be surprised if … Read more

ashton kutcher and demi moore

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore Divorce Finalized: What Went Wrong?

They were the couple who inspired every single woman who thought she was too old to be sexy and attractive to younger men. They made it acceptable for an older woman and a younger man to fall madly in love. And pictures of them always made us happy and hopeful. But now, Ashton Kutcher and … Read more

can't get a date

Can’t Get A Date? 10 Things to do if You Are in a Dating Dry Spell

Whenever there’s a thunderstorm, it always ends. So does a drought, a snowstorm, a hurricane, or even an earthquake. Guess what? So does a dating dry spell! I know this from experience. So, if you feel like you can’t get a date to save your life, read on! Before I was married, and then again … Read more

divorce apology

A Divorce Apology Letter from a Woman to Her Ex-Husband

Ever thought about sitting down and writing a divorce apology letter to your ex?  I’m not saying you have to send the letter, or even show it to anyone. I’m also not saying the divorce is your fault or all your fault. But a divorce apology letter could be  a very healthy and productive way … Read more

new relationship

Don’t Ask These Questions In A New Relationship

Picture this. You’re lying in bed with the man you’ve fallen madly in love with. It’s only been a few months, (still a new relationship) but you are SURE he’s the one. He just kissed you and you feel happier and more loved and content than you’ve ever felt in your life. Finally! You’re done … Read more

dont drink and drive

Don’t Drink and Drive: Not just good advice, good DIVORCE advice!

It’s a phrase we’ve all probably heard over and over again our whole lives: Don’t drink and drive. Well, I want to tell you, that phrase is particularly important to say to those getting divorced! When people are going through a divorce, especially at the beginning, they are susceptible to addictions. This great piece of … Read more

why men and women cheat

Forget Why Men and Women Cheat, Here’s Why they DON’T Cheat

I feel like there are many, many articles written about why men and women cheat. Why? Because divorced people want to understand why their spouse broke up their marriage for another person, which is very understandable. Plus, people want to know the reasons so that they can prevent cheating from happening in their next relationship. … Read more

divorce advice

Divorce Advice for the First Year

From the minute a spouse says, “I want a divorce,” (or they say it to their spouse), life completely changes, and I’m not going to sugarcoat it, it’s really really hard. Speaking from my experience, the first year is the hardest, and then things start to get better. But I want to say this: even … Read more

why do I attract losers

Why Do I Attract Losers? 3 Reasons And How To Stop

“Why do I attract losers?” I woman I know recently asked me through tears. Here’s her story. She has been divorced for almost 10 years. She was dating a man for 3 years, and thought everything was perfect until she found out he cheated with multiple women. She’s heartbroken. Was she just unlucky? Did this … Read more

fighting with your boyfriend

Fighting with Your Boyfriend? Fight Fair!

I think it’s pretty safe to say that one of the reasons people get divorced is because they fight or argue a lot with their spouse. What starts out as bickering can turn into shouting, insults, name calling, and cruel remarks, which can turn into pouting, or days on end of not speaking to each … Read more