child support statistics

Child Support Statistics That Might Surprise You

In a perfect world, child support is calculated and implemented based on a formula. Number of overnights per year, who pays for health insurance to cover the children and salaries of both parents are entered into a software program, called Family Law Software, which determines the amount of child support a parent pays the other. … Read more

What NOT to Say During Mediation (Part 2)

Awhile ago, I wrote an article called 4 Things NOT to Say During Mediation. The article was extremely popular, so I thought I’d write part 2– what NOT to say during mediation Here is What NOT to say during mediation, part 2   1. YOU wanted the divorce so you can pay for the mediator/attorney. … Read more

I wanted the divorce so why am I so sad

I Wanted the Divorce so Why am I So Sad?

For the past 15 years of being a divorce mediator, I’ve seen countless scenarios of divorce. Every single case is unique. That said, there is one thing I find almost always in couples: sadness. Whether you were totally blindsided by your spouse’s decision, or getting divorced was your decision after years of trying to make … Read more


Co-mediation: What is It and What Are the Benefits?

When I speak to potential clients, they have lots of questions. One in particular involves co-mediation; what is it and how does it make our practice unique? Having been part of the co-mediation practice, CEL & Associates, (with my business partner, Brian James) since 2007, I can answer that  question, and also tell you that … Read more

how to prepare for divorce mediation

How to Prepare for Divorce Mediation, Emotionally and Practically

Divorce mediation is a way to divorce in a more amicable and peaceful way versus litigating with attorneys and a judge making decisions for you. But how to prepare for divorce mediation is a question my partner Brian James and I are often asked. We will help you prepare for divorce mediation, and get you … Read more

mediation and divorce attorneys

Mediation and Divorce Attorneys: How They Can Support or Undermine the Process

My partner Brian James and I have been mediating as a team for almost 14 years. Most of our clients come to us voluntarily because they believe they are amicable, have agreed to most of the issues regarding children and finances, and they want to be efficient and cost-effective as they get divorced. Some of … Read more

when divorced couples disagree about covid vaccine

When Divorced Couples Disagree about the COVID Vaccine

Divorced couples might have different opinions and argue on many issues, including finances, lifestyle and the children. But once a marital settlement agreement is in place, (when the couple is officially divorced) they have an obligation to adhere to the terms set forth in the agreement. There is a new potential disagreement that most likely … Read more