neurodiverse children

Neurodiverse Children: Why Their Parents Need Support, Too

If you are parents of neurodiverse children, I bet you can list the resources you have to support your children’s needs. But what about YOUR supports? Probably a much shorter list, I expect. So parents, let’s talk about how mediation can be an important tool in your toolbox for YOUR SUPPORT and for your kids … Read more

divorce strategy

Tips to the Divorce Strategy Where Everyone Wins

“I’m getting divorced—I need an aggressive divorce attorney.” “First thing to do is make sure you have a strong divorce lawyer to fight them.” “I’ve been through a divorce; don’t let them mess things up any further. Lawyer up!” Does any of this sound familiar? They’re common types of responses I see on social media … Read more

divorce in Maryland

Divorce in Maryland With This Team

When I first became separated in 2008, I hired a lawyer. That was it. I interviewed two divorce lawyers and picked the one I thought was the best. My lawyer did a pretty good job, but had I known what I know today, and had there been the resources in divorce that exist now, I … Read more

change anxiety

Change, Anxiety and Your Kids: Tips From a Parent Mediator

As summer draws to a close, you might find yourself navigating a variety of transitions—camp ends, family vacations, and, of course, the start of a new school year. That’s a lot of change, anxiety and stress over just a few weeks.   These shifts can heighten anxiety for everyone—parents and children alike—especially for neurodiverse children … Read more