happiness after divorce

Finding Happiness After Divorce isn’t a Possibility, it’s a PROBABILITY

 Ask any newly separated man or woman if he or she thinks finding happiness after divorce is possible, and the answer you get will involve a grim outlook. “Who knows?” they will might say with their head down, their eyes possibly filling with tears. “I haven’t thought that far ahead. I’m just thinking about how … Read more

move on after divorce

What You Need (And Don’t Need) For Happiness As You Move On After Divorce

Happiness after divorce seems almost unimaginable while you’re going through one. It’s like you just can’t picture it. “What’s my life going to be like when the divorce is final and when all of this is settled? How am I going to move on after divorce? The answers to these questions are difficult because all … Read more

women over 50

Want To Be Happier? This Is A No-Brainer!

One of the most successful techniques to come out of the Positive Psychology movement (Seligman) is the task of keeping a daily journal where you write down three positive things that have happened during your day. Why is this effective? Because looking out for positive things, either that you observe or that happen to you … Read more