January divorce month

Why is January “Divorce Month?”

Have you ever heard the term “divorce month?” January, “Divorce Month” is the month when divorce lawyers commonly report a marked increase in inquiries about divorce. Some attorneys even see a rise of as much as 25-30 percent. Supporting anecdotal reports of a January surge, a Google Trend search of “divorce lawyer“ shows that January and July have been a peak for the search term for the past five years. What‘s going on? Why is January “Divorce Month?” Here are … Read more

blended family advantages and disadvantages

The Blended Family: Advantages and Disadvantages

The blended family. It sounds so perfect. After all, the Brady Bunch seemed pretty happy, didn’t they? What the iconic seventies sitcom never showed us was that Mrs. Brady almost assuredly got on the boys’ nerves, at times, and the girls probably wished they could spend some time alone with just their mom—without the rest … Read more

divorce after an affair

Advice for Divorce After an Affair

I frequently meet with new clients shortly after they or their spouse have revealed or discovered an affair in their marriage. Divorce after an affair is always a painful situation for everyone involved. Emotions run high. On one hand there is anger, hurt, and grief. On the other hand might be guilt, shame, and displaced … Read more

signs a marriage cannot be saved

5 Signs a Marriage Cannot be Saved

The beginning of a new year is a time for reflection, renewal, healing, and moving forward. But if you’re marriage is on the rocks, it may also be time to answer a pivotal question: Is your marriage worth saving in 2023 or are there signs a marriage cannot be saved? What to consider before making … Read more

anger and rage

How to Deal With Anger and Rage During Divorce

Divorce is a time when emotions are high, and when people are experiencing so many different — often competing — feelings, which are continually changing. For example, you can go from being very sad one morning to experiencing hopeful thoughts in the afternoon, only to be consumed by fear in the evening. Among the many … Read more