marrying the wrong person

My Sister is Marrying the Wrong Person

From a DGS reader: My sister announced her engagement yesterday- to the petulant man-child she’s been living with for years. She is marrying the wrong person. She does not love this guy; he isn’t worthy.   He’s a selfish, lazy, irresponsible boy. He’s holding her back, and she’s letting him. She’s called me many times … Read more

I want a divorce he doesn't

I Think I Want a Divorce, He Doesn’t

A Divorced Girl Smiling Facebook Group member posted this to the group: I’ve told my husband I want a divorce, he doesn’t. I told him I want to separate, but then he acts like nothing happened and we never talk about it. So you’ve told your husband that you want a divorce and to separate, … Read more

Scared of Being Alone After Divorce or Even Terrified?

A Divorced Girl Smiling Facebook Group member posted this question: Is anyone else scared of being alone after divorce? I am terrified. I was married for thirty years – was living separate in the same house as my ex for a year but physically separated in May. I ended up falling into a relationship by … Read more

staying with someone who cheated on you

Staying With Someone Who Cheated On You: Is Marriage Counseling the Answer?

Staying with someone who cheated on you is a tough call. Every situation is unique. If someone cheats, that doesn’t necessarily mean he/she will do it again. Maybe it was a wakeup call that the marriage needs help. Maybe divorce isn’t the answer. That said, is the phrase “Once a cheater, always a cheater” accurate? … Read more

My Ex Is Lying During Divorce, Telling People I’m Mentally Ill

Going through a divorce definitely has its challenges. We all know that. But what happens when during divorce, one person starts spreading lies about the other? Here is one reader’s story. During her divorce, her ex is actually telling people she is mentally ill.   “How do you handle the gossip they spread? He’s telling … Read more

my ex moved on and it hurts

My Ex Moved On And It Hurts. Of Course it Does.

From a reader: I need some advice. My ex moved on and it hurts. When he was in denial going through our divorce, we still spoke a lot. He promised that he’d always be there for me– “you’ll see, whether we’re together or not, I’ll be there.” He bought a house a street over from … Read more

difference between a divorce coach and a therapist

What’s The Difference Between A Divorce Coach And A Therapist?

Since I am both a psychologist and a professional coach, I am constantly asked about the difference between a divorce coach and a therapist.  It’s a great question, and one that any consumer should be asking. It’s also important for therapists and coaches to be clear on this so they are not stepping on each … Read more

grieving a divorce

Grieving A Divorce? No One Should Tell You How To Feel

Editors note: I read this wonderful article by Lisa and thought it applied so well to those who might be grieving a divorce. I remember people saying things like, “You’re going to be fine,” “You should be glad it happened now while you’re still young and you can get remarried,” or “Stop feeling sorry for … Read more

managing anxiety, being happier

A Key Component In Managing Anxiety and Being Happier

I hate to say it, but anxiety, stress and unhappiness are an epidemic. Thanks to technology, social media and the expectation of constantly answering to others, our world has taken accountability to a new level, one which has caused so much added stress, frustration, and panic, almost, which  eventually leads to wrong priorities and unhappiness. … Read more

he just doesn't make me happy

Why “He Just Doesn’t Make Me Happy” Is An Unhealthy Thought

Have you ever heard this saying, “Happy wife, happy life?” Or, “It’s my job to make my husband happy?” Or, “He just doesn’t make me happy?” I so often hear people talking about being responsible for someone else’s happiness or holding someone responsible for their satisfaction in life. Think about the pressure of that statement, … Read more