fighting about money

Constantly Fighting About Money With Your Spouse?

Fighting about money with your spouse or ex-spouse? Sadly, it’s common, and it’s difficult, frustrating and uncomfortable! Does this conversation sound familiar? Wife: “Honey, I need money.” Husband: “What for?” Wife: “What do you mean, ‘What for?’ To pay bills!” Husband: “I’ve never seen anyone spend more money than you.” Wife: “Stop being so cheap.” … Read more

argument with your spouse

Saying These 10 Things Will Surely Start An Argument With Your Spouse

  Everyone argues. Let’s be honest. Even the happiest couples fight. But there are certain things you can say that are sure to start an argument with your spouse. Saying the wrong thing could make the difference between a minor disagreement and a major battle! Here are 10 things to say to your spouse that … Read more

secrets to a happy marriage

10 Secrets to a Happy Marriage, Coming From a Divorced Woman!

I feel kind of funny offering marital advice since I am divorced. That said, who better to offer marital advice, specifically secrets to a happy marriage, than a divorced person? We know! We’ve made our mistakes. We can tell you what NOT to do to be happy in your marriage. So, here goes. So, here … Read more