ending a marriage

Which is Worse? Ending a Marriage Or Ending a Serious Relationship

Ending a marriage is never easy. In fact, my divorce was one of the most difficult things I have ever been through in my life. But, if you can believe it, I think that ending a serious relationship could be even more painful. Hear me out before you say, “What the heck is she talking … Read more

fear of change

Change is a Bitch: Tips for Coping with Fear of Change

Change is a bitch, isn’t it? It can feel strange, uncomfortable and scary. I think that fear of change is one of the biggest stressors of  divorce. Whether your spouse left you or you left him, change is scary, and probably one of the most difficult aspects of getting divorced. Even if deep in your … Read more

divorce advice for fear

Divorce Advice for Fear: One of the Hardest Emotions to Overcome

There are so many feelings that come with being newly separated and going through a divorce. These include: shock, guilt, devastation, sadness, anxiety, anger, bitterness and…one of the worst—FEAR. Fear is a very powerful emotion that can cause a lot of pain and stress, along with a lot of other issues, both physically and emotionally. … Read more

arguing with the ex

Arguing With The Ex: Know When To Walk Away

Arguing with the ex is a pretty common occurrence, given the fact that one main reason people get divorced is because they argue excessively. So, the interactions that were present in the marriage are usually similar in the divorce. Add resentment, hurt, and angry feelings into the mix, and arguing with the ex can get … Read more

I can't get over my ex

I Can’t Get Over My Ex. Yes You Can!

For some reason, right now I know a few different people who are recently broken up and telling me “I can’t get over my ex.” I have certainly been there, and so has every  person who has ever gone through a divorce or been through a breakup.   When a spouse moves out or when … Read more

my ex is angry and bitter

My Ex is Angry and Bitter. Will it Ever Go Away?

Below is an e-mail I received from a woman who writes: “My ex is angry and bitter.” Jackie, I am going on 2 years since my ex-husband and I have been separated. My ex went through a process of seeming okay with it, then briefly seemed upset and then he got MAD and has stayed … Read more

prayer for divorce

Your Daily Prayer For Divorce: Trust Me, It Helps!

Looking for a prayer for divorce? There is a well-known prayer I think you will find comforting and inspiring, and I think it can be useful for divorce. Let me explain… People going through a divorce are stressed. Very stressed. Every day there’s a new problem, a different issue, something unexpected that pops up–an attorney … Read more

Want to Minimize Divorce Attorney Fees? Read this!

There are many components that add to the stress of going through a divorce, one of them being divorce attorney fees. Usually already concerned about finances, couples going through a divorce are now receiving a new monthly expense that can seem overwhelming and scary. That said, hiring an effective attorney who puts in the time … Read more

separated but living in the same house

Separated But Living In The Same House…And Sleeping In The Same Bed

 When a couple decides to separate, there are so many factors involved in what comes next. There are couples in which one person decides to move out immediately. There are couples who sell the house and both find new residences. And, there are couples who are separated but living in the same house.   There … Read more

newly separated

The Newly Separated Get Unexpected Gifts

When I was newly separated, a few people sent me cards, which I appreciated, and a couple people actually got me gifts! I remember laughing while opening up a little lipstick pouch given to me by a girlfriend, and thinking, ‘She’s giving me a lipstick case as a small hint that if I want to … Read more

why couldn't he change for me

Why Couldn’t He Change For Me? We Have Answers

One of the most difficult, frustrating aspects of a break up or a divorce is seeing the other person become involved with someone else, and not only appearing to be blissfully happy, but seemingly being the perfect spouse! It’s crazy, it’s infuriating, and  it’s hard to comprehend. Now he’s doing all these things with this … Read more