children and divorce

Children and Divorce: 3 Things They Will Learn

 Parents are constantly working to instill good values and positive behavior in their children, but kids also learn directly from our actions, even when we’re not actively working to teach them. More often than not, despite our best efforts, children will absorb far more from what we do than what we say. When it comes … Read more

my ex won't talk to me

“My Ex Won’t Talk to Me” Makes Co-parenting Pretty Darn Difficult!

 “My Ex Won’t talk to me.” It’s something we hear often from people in divorce and after. Communication breakdowns in divorce are most often the result of two things: anger and resentment.  Anger and resentment can cause someone to shut down—meaning just avoiding any communication with the ex, and even acting childish. Not communicating with … Read more

sharing expenses

4 Tips for Sharing Expenses with Your Co-Parent

Money is a sensitive subject for many people to talk about, and even the most peaceful co-parenting situations may find that frustrations begin to flare when the topic of sharing expenses comes up. As a divorced parent, you may have encountered lots of confusion and stress when working with your co-parent to figure out how … Read more