Happy New Year, Beautiful! 23 Tips for a Beautiful Year Ahead

Happy new year, you beautiful Divorced girl! (or guy or almost divorced girl or guy). To end the year, I want to tell you how much I appreciate your readership and involvement in the DGS community. I love hearing from you, getting updates, and reading all the feedback (both good and bad) that keep me … Read more

The Benefits Of Eating Spinach And Kale And Other Greens Daily

The benefits of eating spinach and kale and other greens start with the liver, immune system, gut, and more…Spring is the ideal time to introduce these power-packed vegetables to your diet; it’s nature’s time of rebirth, and the greens that grow now are designed to rejuvenate and cleanse your body after the winter season of … Read more

why do I hate my body

Why Do I Hate My Body So Much? Don’t!

“Why do I hate my body so much?” is a common question that sadly, so many women ask themselves.  Aging and seeing your body getting older isn’t easy. If you feel like you are wondering why you can’t give yourself a break, and why you continue to hate your body, you might find this guest … Read more