vindictive ex

The Vindictive Ex: When Hate Comes Before Children

Most divorced couples have issues with each other. That’s just the way it is. Getting divorced comes with a lot of pent up resentment that built during the marriage, and that happened during and after the divorce. Hopefully, negative feelings between spouse’s fade over time, and both move on and possibly even become friends. But, … Read more

parental alienation

Renaming “Parental Alienation” Might Help in Reconciliation

If you’re struggling to manage your relationship with your child during a high-conflict separation or divorce, you’ve likely heard the term “parental alienation.” Maybe you’ve even come across “clinical” definitions that resonate with you and your current situation. However, “parental alienation” itself has a complicated history, and negative connotations in clinical, legal, and emotional terms. … Read more

parental alienation against a mother

Parental Alienation Against a Mother or a Father

Does the other parent of your child go out of their way to limit your time with your child? Does the other parent speak poorly about you in front of your child? Does the other parent refuse to share important information or major updates with you about your child? Does the other parent make things … Read more

what is parental alienation

What Is Parental Alienation and How Do You Stop It?

Divorce itself can be absolutely devastating, but nothing can prepare you for the domino effect it will have on the other areas of your life, especially when there are kids involved. Going from a supportive and loving partnership to operating as separate entities is confusing and can leave the child or children involved feeling as … Read more