We’re Into Each Other! So Why is His Profile Still on Dating Websites?

In my “Love Essentially” column published today in the Sun-Times Media local publications, I respond to a reader’s e-mail regarding a guy she met on one of the dating websites, who she really likes. There’s one red flag: his profile is still active on the site! Here’s my advice to her.   Jackie, “I dated … Read more

argument with your spouse

Saying These 10 Things Will Surely Start An Argument With Your Spouse

  Everyone argues. Let’s be honest. Even the happiest couples fight. But there are certain things you can say that are sure to start an argument with your spouse. Saying the wrong thing could make the difference between a minor disagreement and a major battle! Here are 10 things to say to your spouse that … Read more

Relationship advice: Why You Might be Running from Relationships

There is no law that says you have to be in a relationship, but in my opinion, it’s human nature to want to find love and monogamy. Here’s some relationship advice you can take or leave, but if you haven’t been in a relationship for awhile, you might want to consider this. The reason you … Read more