thinking of separating

Thinking Of Separating? Here are Answers To Questions You Might Have

Deciding whether or not to stay in a marriage is not only daunting, but the tormenting dilemma can feel hopeless, since both options – leaving or staying might seem depressing or wrong. If you’re thinking of separating, you are facing a time of complete uncertainty, confusion and second-guessing yourself. People thinking of separating have countless questions … Read more

no sex in marriage

Does No Sex In Marriage Justify A Divorce?

It’s easy to judge someone for getting divorced because of no sex in marriage.It sounds very trivial to some people when they hear about a divorce caused by lack of sex-as if sex is the most important thing to that person and they aren’t grateful for their wonderful marriage. I could not disagree more. Why? … Read more

depressed husband

Should This Woman Leave Her Depressed Husband?

When people think of people who suffer from depression, they usually picture women more than men. (Think postpartum or menopause.) But depression in men is a very serious subject, and much more common than people think. Furthermore, a depressed husband can cause big problems in a marriage. Read this woman’s devastating story, and then let’s … Read more

separated but living in the same house

Separated But Living In The Same House…And Sleeping In The Same Bed

 When a couple decides to separate, there are so many factors involved in what comes next. There are couples in which one person decides to move out immediately. There are couples who sell the house and both find new residences. And, there are couples who are separated but living in the same house.   There … Read more

falling in love with someone else when you're married

Falling in Love With Someone Else When You’re Married

Is falling in love with someone else when you’re married possible? What I mean is, I’ve heard many people say that they fell in love with someone else while married, and I just don’t know if they really fell in love, or if they were just unhappy in the marriage and used the affair to … Read more

staying in an unhappy marriage

11 Things People Say To Justify Staying In An Unhappy Marriage

Although every marriage and situation is unique, I think many people stay in their marriages because it seems like the best option. Maybe they weighed out the pluses and minuses of splitting up, and then determined that staying–even though they are staying in an unhappy marriage, is the better choice versus the alternative of divorce. … Read more

I love my husband but I don't like him

One Reason For Divorce: I Love My Husband But I Don’t Like Him

There are many reasons people get divorced, but for the purpose of this article, let’s exclude the biggie deal breakers: cheating, addiction, or verbal and physical abuse. What happens when someone decides to get divorced because they have a lack of like? What do I mean by that? I’m talking about the person who says, … Read more

affairs when both parties are married

A Look At Affairs When Both Parties Are Married

There are many different kinds of affairs. They include one-night stands, flings, emotional affairs, affairs that never go beyond some flirty texting and/or talking, affairs where one person is married, and affairs when both parties are married.   The first thing I want to say is that having affair is a horrible thing to do, … Read more

My Husband Has No Friends or Hobbies

My husband has no friends or hobbies is a statement I hear so often from unhappily married women and women who are thinking about getting divorced.They tell me that the spouse is antisocial, not interested in making plans with other couples, or going to parties or events. First, to the antisocial spouse (or person whose … Read more

how to start a separation

How to Start a Separation: My “To-Do” List

Read the e-mail I received from a woman wondering how to start a separation. I felt like the best way to give her advice was to give her a “To-do list.” Hi Jackie, Today’s been a rough day–my husband just told me (after 14 years of marriage) that he plans to leave me after he’s … Read more

my wife wants a divorce

My Wife Wants a Divorce: One Man’s Painful Story

Divorced Girl Smiling received this comment from a reader. The headline: “My wife wants a divorce.” I have estimated that Divorced Girl Smiling gets about 70% of its traffic from women and 30% from men. So, this article is definitely meant to give advice to men whose wives want a divorce. But, I thought it … Read more

how I leave my husband

“How Do I Leave My Husband?” Woman Asks

“How do I leave my husband?” is a question that pops up on Divorced Girl Smiling a lot. I think this is a question that is beyond painful, and a very difficult one. It’s really, really, really, really hard to leave someone, no matter what the circumstances are. It’s hard to end something long-term, it’s … Read more