revenge affairs

A Look at Revenge Affairs and Why You Shouldn’t Have One

Discovering your partner has cheated is a shocking and emotionally devastating event that can turn your entire world upside down and bring on intense feelings of anger, betrayal, rejection, and abandonment, among others. It is normal to want to get back at your partner by having a sexual fling of your own. However, know this … Read more

what is self-compassion

What is Self-Compassion and Why Do We All Deserve It?

What is self-compassion? It’s different from self-love, self-worth and self-esteem. So, what is self-compassion? Extending compassion to yourself when it comes to feeling like you are doing something wrong or failing at something or when you feel inadequate. Self-compassion means being kind to yourself! My idea to write on the topic of what self-compassion stemmed … Read more

lies in marriage

Lies In Marriage: How To Recover During Your Divorce

Lies in marriage is a big reason for divorce. But if you’re getting divorced because of it, how do you heal yourself from the lies? How do you cope with the pent up resentment? And how do you move on? Here’s one reader’s story and question: How do I reconcile lies in marriage–being lied to … Read more