20 benefits of yoga

20 Benefits of Yoga During Divorce

Everyone going through a divorce should be required by law to do yoga. I’m serious about this. Divorce and yoga go perfectly together. I can say firsthand how much yoga helped me during my divorce. So, I’d like to offer 20 benefits of yoga during divorce. The first yoga class I ever did was several … Read more

But First I’m Going To Yoga

Editor’s note: When I see Lisa Kaplin’s weekly newsletter in my inbox, it’s usually one of the first emails I click on, just because I know I’m going to get one or more of these things: laughs, entertainment, motivation, good advice, or comfort. But yesterday, I woke up to my dog throwing up in my … Read more

managing anxiety, being happier

A Key Component In Managing Anxiety and Being Happier

I hate to say it, but anxiety, stress and unhappiness are an epidemic. Thanks to technology, social media and the expectation of constantly answering to others, our world has taken accountability to a new level, one which has caused so much added stress, frustration, and panic, almost, which  eventually leads to wrong priorities and unhappiness. … Read more

healing from divorce

Group of Divorcees Use Yoga for Healing From Divorce

Are you healing from divorce? Or trying to heal? If so, take some advice from this group of divorced men and women who are using yoga to cope and move on. There are two types of people, in my opinion: those who love yoga, and those who haven’t tried yoga. Why do I say that? … Read more