The Divorced Girl Smiling Happy Hour

You’re allowed to be HAPPY!

That’s why we created the Divorced Girl Smiling HAPPY Hour for: Those considering divorce, those going through one, and those living life after divorce.



Grab a glass of wine or a cup of coffee and join us on the first and third Wednesdays of every month at 7pm CST for a one-hour zoom call.

What we talk about during the Happy Hour:

This isn’t a support group, yet it is. It’s a safe place where you can unwind, vent, ask questions, hear from others about their divorce experiences, and run ideas past the group. That said, we want to keep things relatively light, and focus on the positive aspects of our lives. And just like people do at a happy hour, we want you to enjoy yourself and laugh and smile a lot!

Our Happy Hour Goals:

  • Help you feel less alone, isolated, and lonely.
  • Socialize, so you feel like you just met a few friends for happy hour.
  • Become inspired by others’ stories.
  • Meet some divorce professionals who can answer questions. (A few will pop in at every happy hour, and I will be there for every one.)
  • Help you feel like you became just a little more empowered, and that you did something productive with your evening.
  • Help you feel HAPPY and hopeful about your future.


Topics might include:

  • What’s working for us right now.
  • How we deal with stress, fear and sadness.
  • Funny stories that will entertain all of us and help us make light of some things.
  • Decision making during divorce.
  • Dating after divorce.
  • Staying motivated.
  • Maintaining hope.

I think it’s important to mention two things:

1. The DGS Happy Hour is for women at ANY stage of divorce, meaning thinking about divorce, newly separated, during divorce, and after divorce.

2. Everything shared in the DGS Happy Hour is confidential, and there must be a commitment on the part of every person on the zoom call to maintain this confidentiality.

What’s the cost of the DGS Happy Hour?

Get this: $20 per session, payable via Venmo, Zelle or Paypal.

While I can’t offer refunds, if for some reason you can’t make it, we can give you a credit to attend another happy hour. Meetings will not be recorded in order to adhere to confidentiality.

We would love to have you at the next Happy Hour!


Register now to save your spot!




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