‘The Bachelor’ Breaks The Mold in All the Wrong Ways by Jackie Pilossoph for Chicago Tribune Media Group
Typically, I might use the words “predictable,” “scripted” and “formulaic” to describe the final rose ceremony of “The Bachelor.”
You get virtually the same ending — down to the exact dialogue — every season. But last night, bachelor Arie Luyendyk, Jr., changed all that, and I wish I could say “in a good way.”
Let me explain. But first, a warning: Spoilers follow for anyone who hasn’t seen the the final rose ceremony of the 22nd season of “The Bachelor,” which aired Monday night.
In the episode, 36-year-old Arie got down on one knee and proposed to finalist Becca Kufrin. So far it seems like your typical “Bachelor” “fairy tale” ending.
But at the end of the episode, we find out that after spending six weeks with Becca (after the production ended), Arie realized he had made the wrong choice and reached out to the other finalist, Lauren Burnham.
Click here to read the rest of the article, published in the Chicago Tribune Pioneer Press.
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