What To Expect When You Turn 50 Years Old: 8 Benefits!

what to expect when you turn 50 years old

By Jackie Pilossoph, Founder, Divorced Girl Smiling, Former Chicago Tribune Columnist and Features Reporter, Huffington Post Blogger and TV News Reporter

When I was 49 years old, I went through a breakup with a guy I’d been dating for 6 years. I knew the relationship wasn’t working, and I realized I was staying in it because of myfear of being alone. I mean, who wants to start dating again at 49?? It truly made me wonder what to expect when you turn 50 years old, especially as a single woman.

Turns out, something I least expected happened. I ended up meeting the love of my life about 5 months before my 50th birthday, and several years later, we are still together and happy.

Turning 50 is interesting. It’s a combination of really wonderful things, which largely includes wisdom. But health wise, it becomes more challenging.

Here is what one guy said about what to expect when you turn 50 years old:

“I was one stubborn fuck, and I’m softer now. As I’ve gotten older, the urge to resist or to fight or to battle has lessened. I let things happen, and just go with it and accept things. When I was younger I was more opinionated and set in my ways and to let that go a little bit and not be immovable is surprisingly a wonderful feeling.”


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Instead of focusing on what to expect when your turn 50 years old as it pertains to physical drawbacks, like menopause, arthritis, more susceptibility to illness, weight gain, wrinkles, and other things, I’d like to point out the good things about 50 and up.

Here are 8 benefits to turning 50 years old and life after 50:


   1. Less fear to show vulnerability.

In turn, romantic relationships are so much deeper and more fulfilling. I wish so much that I would have figured this out at a younger age. Being vulnerable is very scary, but after 50, there’s this sort of attitude of, “What have I got to lose? This is me, like me or not I’m going to be myself.” Potential partners actually appreciate this and both people are living their authentic lives. Everything is more real and less superficial. It’s also very sexy.

2.  More self confidence.

That attitude is very empowering and prevents people from being disappointed and/or frustrated when it comes to dating.



   3. Newfound calmness and grace. Small things don’t bother you as much as they used to.

You start hearing about people getting ill and suddenly little, petty things don’t bother you. It takes a lot more to get you upset. People after 50 have more patience and understanding. It’s like you are started practicing yoga or meditation (even if you didn’t!)


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    4. Immense gratitude.

Appreciation for people and things and life’s small pleasures become much more pronounced. It makes you like yourself more.

    5. No crazy expectations in relationships. It’s just nice to have such a deep connection. That’s really all that matters.

Young women focus so much on “Where is this relationship going.” I’m not saying they are wrong to do so, but it’s really nice when you just don’t care anymore, and you find yourself appreciating every day with someone you love. That’s when true love happens, because you aren’t so focused on forcing it.

    6. Loving more deeply.

Relationships—romantic, family and friends are more meaningful and enjoyable. You tend to stay away from toxic relationships. In my youth I never had the guts to walk away from those who made me feel badly about myself or who were negative or who just made me feel badly in general. Now, if it is affecting me, I’m done.


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    7. Not afraid to admit mistakes and say I’m sorry. More self-awareness.

As a result, there is less tension in relationships, less arguing or bickering. I tell it like it is so much more than I used to. I also admit fault so much more. You’d be surprised that if you do that, the other person’s defenses come down and they start to admit fault and then you find yourself in a big love fest instead of feeling resentful.

     8. Less selfishness and more thoughtfulness and insight about what someone might be feeling.

People over age 50 tend to listen a lot more instead of talk. We empathize more and put ourselves in someone other’s shoes instead of judging so much.

Like this article? Check out, “Dating After Divorce: Advice, Tips and Why This is an Exciting Time.”

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    Jackie Pilossoph

    Editor-in-chief: Jackie Pilossoph

    Jackie Pilossoph is the Founder of Divorced Girl Smiling, the media company that connects people facing with divorce to trusted, vetted divorce professionals. Pilossoph is a former NBC affiliate television journalist and Chicago Tribune/Pioneer Press features reporter. Her syndicated column, Love Essentially was published in the Chicago Tribune/Pioneer Press and Tribune owned publications for 7 1/2 years. Pilossoph holds a Masters degree in journalism from Boston University. Learn more at: DivorcedGirlSmiling.com

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